The Society for Marketing Advances takes immense pride in recognizing and celebrating the distinguished scholars who have left indelible marks in marketing. These visionary individuals have elevated the discourse within our community and blazed trails for future generations. Discover the eminent personalities who have reshaped the marketing landscape with their groundbreaking contributions.
The Society for Marketing Advances in collaboration with Taylor & Francis and Routledge, distinguished scholars recognized for their significant contributions to the marketing field for their research impact, service in marketing, and teaching excellence.
Research: Evidence of significant contribution to the discipline could consist of, but is not limited to, the following:
Holding the rank of Full Professor of Marketing (or related field) at an AACSB-accredited college/university, or with equivalent records that demonstrate excellence in the field
A minimum of 30 refereed journal publications
Of the total number of journal publications, a minimum of 20 articles must appear in highly regarded, reputable outlets as determined by the award selection committee
A citation Index of no less than 1,000 citations
Publication of highly regarded textbooks and/or book chapters
​​To be considered by the Nominating Committee for Distinguished Fellow designation for the current year’s cycle, nominations must be received no later than Sunday, September 1, 2024. Self-nominations are not accepted.
To be considered, the nomination must include, at a minimum:
Name, position, affiliation, and contact information of nominee and nominator.
A description of the nominee's service to the SMA.
A description of the nominee's scholarly activities and contributions.
A nominee's full current CV.
Important: Any selected SMA Distinguished Fellow must attend the upcoming 2024 SMA conference to be recognized by the Society for their accomplishment. Please send nominations by email by Sunday, 9/1/2024, to Joe Hair , Chris Hopkins, and Diane Edmondson.
The Society for Marketing Advances has recognized these distinguished individuals for their meritorious contributions to the marketing discipline and their career longevity:
2023, Linda Price, University of Wyoming, USA
2022 David Wooten, University of Michigan, USA
2021 Lisa Scheer, University of Missouri, USA
2020 Michael Ahearne, University of Houston, USA
2019 Christine Moorman, Duke University, USA
2018 Ruth N. Bolton, Arizona State University, USA
2017 Donald R. Lehmann, Columbia University, USA
2016 V. Kumar, Georgia State University, USA
2015 Richard P. Bagozzi, University of Michigan, USA
2014 J. Craig Thompson, University of Wisconsin, USA
2013 Russell W. Belk, York University, Canada
2012 Peter Golder, Dartmouth College, USA
2011 Terry L. Childers, Iowa State University, USA
2010 Michael J. Polonsky, Deakin University, Australia
2009 A Parasuraman, University of Miami, USA
2008 Katherine Lemon, Boston College, USA
2007 David Stewart, Loyola Marymount University, USA
2006 Jagdish Sheth, Emory University, USA
2005 Roland Rust, University of Maryland, USA
2004 Jan-Benedict E.M. Steenkamp, Tillburg Univ, The Netherlands
2003 Yoram (Jerry) Wind, University of Pennsylvania, USA
2002 Shelby Hunt, Texas Tech University, USA
2001Sharon F. Beatty, University of Alabama, USA
2000 Philip Kotler, Northwestern University, USA
Meet the Distinguished Society for Marketing Advances: our SMA Distinguished Fellows, Taylor & Francis/Routledge SMA Scholars, and dedicated Rusty Brooks Distinguished Service award winners, each impacting Marketing.